Specialized bibliography
A. SOURCE TEXTS (exhaustive)
- APOSTOL 2000 = Apostol, Liviu, Meteorology and climatology. Course, "Ştefan cel Mare" University Publishing House, Suceava.
- BOGDAN 2006 = Bogdan, Octavia, Câmpean, Ioana, Metodological bases of meteorology, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University, Faculty of Tourism Geography, Sibiu.
- CIOVICĂ 1970 = Ciovică, N., Stancu, M., Berbecel, O., Rogodjan, Iulia, Eftimescu, Maria, Doneaud, A. Meteorological factors and their importance in agriculture. In Agro-meteorology (Ist chapter, p. 1-45). Bucharest, Ceres Publishing House.
- CIULACHE 2002 = Ciulache, S., Meteorology and climatology. Bucharest, University Press.
- CIULACHE 2003 = Ciulache, Sterie, Nicoleta Ionac, Meteorology and climatology dictionary. Bucharest, Ars Docendi.
- DONEAUD 1966 = Doneaud, Andrei, Beşleagă, Nicolae, Synoptic, dynamic and aeronautic meteorology. Bucharest, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică.
- GENILIE, G. = I. Genilie, Historical, astronomical, natural and civil geography of continents in general and of Romania in particular. Bucharest, Eliad's Typography, 1835.
- MARIN, F. = D. Pouillet, Noţiuni generale de fisică şi de meteorologie spre usul junimei. Translated by A. Marin. Bucharest, 1857.
- MĂHĂRA 2001 = Măhăra, Gh., Meteorology. Oradea, University of Oradea Publishing House.
- MIHĂILĂ 2010 = Mihăilă, Dumitru, Tănasă, Ion, Introduction in practical meteorology. Suceava, "Ştefan cel Mare" University Publishing House.
- ŢÂŞTEA 1965 = Ţâştea, Dumitru, Bacinschi, Dumitru, Nor, Radu, Meteorological dicţionary: Romanian-Russian-Franch-English-German-Spanish, Meteorological Institute, Bucharest.
B. SOURCE TEXTS (selective)
* to be indicated by the end of DFA editing.
General bibliography
* papers that appear in the Project presentation are also indicated.
- Bacinski, Dumitru, 1966, Meteorology and climatology, Bucharest, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică.
- Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela, Forăscu, Narcisa, 2005, Contemporary Romanian language. The lexis, Bucharest, Humanitas.
- Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela (coord.), 2012, Terminology and terminologies, University of Bucharest Publishing House.
- Chivu, Gh., 2000, Romanian language – form the first texts until the end of the XVIIIth century. Stylistic variants, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House.
- CLRE = CLRE. Essential Romanian lexicographic corpus. 100 dictionies from the Bibliography of DLR aligned at entry and, partially, at sense (project financed by CNCS-UEFISCDI, TE_246, year 2010-2013) (project manager: CS III PhD. Elena Tamba).
- Coteanu, Ion, 1973, Functional stylistics of Romanian language, vol. I, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
- DA = Romanian language dictionary (DA): old series, 1913–1949, Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Socec & Comp. Libraries etc.
- DELR = Etymological dictionary of Romanian language, I (A-C). Responsible editors: Acad. Marius Sala, corresp. member Acad. Andrei Avram. Volume responsible Doru Mihăescu. Bucharest, 2011, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
- DÉRom = Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom). Première phase : le noyau panroman (subsidized by ANR and DFG) (I: 2008-2010; II: 2012-2014) (project managers: romanists Eva Buchi and Wolfang Schweichard) http://www.atilf.fr/DERom
- DGS = Cobeț, Doina, Manea, Laura, 2013, General dictionary of synonyms of Romanian language, Chișinău, Gunivas.
- DLR = Romanian languge dictionary (DLR): new series, 1965-2012, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
- DLRi = Romanian language dictionary (DLR) in electronic format. Studies regarding acquisition (project financed by CNCSIS, 3/31/44, years 2003-2005, contract no. 1614) (project manager: SR I PhD. Cristina Florescu).
- DSR = Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela, Cristina Călăraşu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaş, Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, 20052, Dictionary of science of Romanian language, Bucharest, Nemira.
- DTLRd = Cristina Florescu (coord.), Elena Dănilă, Laura Manea, Marius-Radu Clim, DTLRd. Computerized lexical base. "-ime" and "-işte" derivatives, Iaşi, 2008, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Publishing House.
- Dimitrescu, Florica, 1994, Romanian lexis dynamics, Bucharest, Logos.
- eDTLR = Thesaurus dictionary of the Romanian languge in electronic format, (project manager: Prof. Univ. Dan Cristea, PhD., "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Iaşi, Faculty of Computer Science), CNMP complex project years 2007-2010.
- Florescu, Cristina, 2007, Semantics problems of Romanian language, Iaşi, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Publishing House.
- Florescu, Cristina, 2008, Atmospheric phenomena versus states of the human being, in Romanian Academy Conferences, the Romanians' language and its relations with Romanian history and culture cycle. Bucharest.
- Florescu, Cristina, 2010, Meteorological language of atmospheric phenomena. Analytical premises in Linguistic studies. Tribute to Prof. Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu. University of Bucharest Publishing House, p. 190 -199.
- Graur, Alexandru, 1957, Main background of Romanian language, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică.
- Iordan, Iorgu, 1944, Stylistics of Romanian language, Bucharest, Romanian Linguistics Institute.
- Irimia, Dumitru, 1999, Introduction in stilistics, Iaşi, Polirom.
- MDA = Short academical dictionary, 2001–2003, vol. I-IV, Bucharest, Univers enciclopedic.
- Pop, Gheorghe, 1988, Introduction in meteorology and climatology, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică.
- Stoica, Constantin , Nicolae Cristea, 1971 Generl meteorology, Bucharest, Editura Tehnică.
- TLF(i) = Imbs, Paul, Quemada, Bernard (coord.), 1971–1994. Trésor de la langue française. Dictionnaire de la langue du XIXe et du XXe siècle (1789–1960), 16 volume, Paris, Éditions du CNRS/Gallimard, site internet : http://atilf.atilf.fr/tlf.htm.
- Ursu, N. A., 1962, Romanian scientific terminology forming, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică.
- Zafiu, Rodica, 2002, Stylistic diversity in current Romanian language cf. http://ebooks.unibuc.ro/filologie/Zafiu
- http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/canwarn/glossary-f.html
- http://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-fra.html?lang=fra
- http://www.trascaucorp.3x.ro/meteo
- http://www.meteorologie.ro/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=list_content&eid=2