Specialized bibliography

A. SOURCE TEXTS (exhaustive)

  1. APOSTOL 2000 = Apostol, Liviu, Meteorology and climatology. Course, "Ştefan cel Mare" University Publishing House, Suceava.
  2. BOGDAN 2006 = Bogdan, Octavia, Câmpean, Ioana, Metodological bases of meteorology, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University, Faculty of Tourism Geography, Sibiu.
  3. CIOVICĂ 1970 = Ciovică, N., Stancu, M., Berbecel, O., Rogodjan, Iulia, Eftimescu, Maria, Doneaud, A. Meteorological factors and their importance in agriculture. In Agro-meteorology (Ist chapter, p. 1-45). Bucharest, Ceres Publishing House.
  4. CIULACHE 2002 = Ciulache, S., Meteorology and climatology. Bucharest, University Press.
  5. CIULACHE 2003 = Ciulache, Sterie, Nicoleta Ionac, Meteorology and climatology dictionary. Bucharest, Ars Docendi.
  6. DONEAUD 1966 = Doneaud, Andrei, Beşleagă, Nicolae, Synoptic, dynamic and aeronautic meteorology. Bucharest, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică.
  7. GENILIE, G. = I. Genilie, Historical, astronomical, natural and civil geography of continents in general and of Romania in particular. Bucharest, Eliad's Typography, 1835.
  8. MARIN, F. = D. Pouillet, Noţiuni generale de fisică şi de meteorologie spre usul junimei. Translated by A. Marin. Bucharest, 1857.
  9. MĂHĂRA 2001 = Măhăra, Gh., Meteorology. Oradea, University of Oradea Publishing House.
  10. MIHĂILĂ 2010 = Mihăilă, Dumitru, Tănasă, Ion, Introduction in practical meteorology. Suceava, "Ştefan cel Mare" University Publishing House.
  11. ŢÂŞTEA 1965 = Ţâştea, Dumitru, Bacinschi, Dumitru, Nor, Radu, Meteorological dicţionary: Romanian-Russian-Franch-English-German-Spanish, Meteorological Institute, Bucharest.

B. SOURCE TEXTS (selective)

* to be indicated by the end of DFA editing.

General bibliography

* papers that appear in the Project presentation are also indicated.

  1. Bacinski, Dumitru, 1966, Meteorology and climatology, Bucharest, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică.
  2. Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela, Forăscu, Narcisa, 2005, Contemporary Romanian language. The lexis, Bucharest, Humanitas.
  3. Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela (coord.), 2012, Terminology and terminologies, University of Bucharest Publishing House.
  4. Chivu, Gh., 2000, Romanian language – form the first texts until the end of the XVIIIth century. Stylistic variants, Bucharest, Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House.
  5. CLRE = CLRE. Essential Romanian lexicographic corpus. 100 dictionies from the Bibliography of DLR aligned at entry and, partially, at sense (project financed by CNCS-UEFISCDI, TE_246, year 2010-2013) (project manager: CS III PhD. Elena Tamba).
  6. Coteanu, Ion, 1973, Functional stylistics of Romanian language, vol. I, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
  7. DA = Romanian language dictionary (DA): old series, 1913–1949, Romanian Academy, Bucharest. Socec & Comp. Libraries etc.
  8. DELR = Etymological dictionary of Romanian language, I (A-C). Responsible editors: Acad. Marius Sala, corresp. member Acad. Andrei Avram. Volume responsible Doru Mihăescu. Bucharest, 2011, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
  9. DÉRom = Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom). Première phase : le noyau panroman (subsidized by ANR and DFG) (I: 2008-2010; II: 2012-2014) (project managers: romanists Eva Buchi and Wolfang Schweichard) http://www.atilf.fr/DERom
  10. DGS = Cobeț, Doina, Manea, Laura, 2013, General dictionary of synonyms of Romanian language, Chișinău, Gunivas.
  11. DLR = Romanian languge dictionary (DLR): new series, 1965-2012, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romanian Academy Publishing House.
  12. DLRi = Romanian language dictionary (DLR) in electronic format. Studies regarding acquisition (project financed by CNCSIS, 3/31/44, years 2003-2005, contract no. 1614) (project manager: SR I PhD. Cristina Florescu).
  13. DSR = Bidu-Vrânceanu, Angela, Cristina Călăraşu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaş, Gabriela Pană Dindelegan, 20052, Dictionary of science of Romanian language, Bucharest, Nemira.
  14. DTLRd = Cristina Florescu (coord.), Elena Dănilă, Laura Manea, Marius-Radu Clim, DTLRd. Computerized lexical base. "-ime" and "-işte" derivatives, Iaşi, 2008, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Publishing House.
  15. Dimitrescu, Florica, 1994, Romanian lexis dynamics, Bucharest, Logos.
  16. eDTLR = Thesaurus dictionary of the Romanian languge in electronic format, (project manager: Prof. Univ. Dan Cristea, PhD., "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Iaşi, Faculty of Computer Science), CNMP complex project years 2007-2010.
  17. Florescu, Cristina, 2007, Semantics problems of Romanian language, Iaşi, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Publishing House.
  18. Florescu, Cristina, 2008, Atmospheric phenomena versus states of the human being, in Romanian Academy Conferences, the Romanians' language and its relations with Romanian history and culture cycle. Bucharest.
  19. Florescu, Cristina, 2010, Meteorological language of atmospheric phenomena. Analytical premises in Linguistic studies. Tribute to Prof. Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu. University of Bucharest Publishing House, p. 190 -199.
  20. Graur, Alexandru, 1957, Main background of Romanian language, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică.
  21. Iordan, Iorgu, 1944, Stylistics of Romanian language, Bucharest, Romanian Linguistics Institute.
  22. Irimia, Dumitru, 1999, Introduction in stilistics, Iaşi, Polirom.
  23. MDA = Short academical dictionary, 2001–2003, vol. I-IV, Bucharest, Univers enciclopedic.
  24. Pop, Gheorghe, 1988, Introduction in meteorology and climatology, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică.
  25. Stoica, Constantin , Nicolae Cristea, 1971 Generl meteorology, Bucharest, Editura Tehnică.
  26. TLF(i) = Imbs, Paul, Quemada, Bernard (coord.), 1971–1994. Trésor de la langue française. Dictionnaire de la langue du XIXe et du XXe siècle (1789–1960), 16 volume, Paris, Éditions du CNRS/Gallimard, site internet : http://atilf.atilf.fr/tlf.htm.
  27. Ursu, N. A., 1962, Romanian scientific terminology forming, Bucharest, Editura Ştiinţifică.
  28. Zafiu, Rodica, 2002, Stylistic diversity in current Romanian language cf. http://ebooks.unibuc.ro/filologie/Zafiu
  29. http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/canwarn/glossary-f.html
  30. http://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-fra.html?lang=fra
  31. http://www.trascaucorp.3x.ro/meteo
  32. http://www.meteorologie.ro/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=list_content&eid=2